On 11 May at the end of the educational tour we organised during the Berlin Design Week 2023, Valcucine Berlin | Kuechen Atelier Piekarz had the pleasure to host the [...]
Design as a driver of agility, stability, sustainability and innovation potential has a central role to play: “Not acting is no longer an option” is the Berlin Design Week 2023 statement. We [...]
Valcucine is presenting “Ecosophìa” during the Milan Design Week 2023. Eco as in eco-sustainable, Sophìa as in knowledge. A reflection on how Valcucine imagines the present and the future of [...]
A made in Italy design kitchen, user friendly on a daily family routine, but also for a business or friendly gathering: this was the goal of Modularity Home at Quezon [...]
A new Valcucine kitchens showroom has been recently launched in Dongguan, China, along with our partner Der Küchen who has a long term experience and collaborations with well-known design studios such [...]
Amongst the product news at Milan Design Week 2022, we present new aesthetic and functional solutions applied to our leading kitchen collections: Artematica and Riciclantica designed by Gabriele Centazzo. From [...]
If you have ever searched online for the best kitchen brands in the World one of the best ranked results is on ofdesign.net with the page "Top 20 leading kitchen [...]