Valcucine presents The life-long responibility guarantee at Milano 2012

Valcucine has pondered over the concept of responsibility for quite a while. Along its path, the company has tried to fully meet the ethical commitment that it took upon itself, not only towards its customers but also towards people as a whole.  For Valcucine, the word responsibility means going ahead without stopping at the first positive market feedbacks, it means not getting trapped in the logic of profit but finding other paths to walk.

The Latin word “respondeo” means “to make a promise” to “accept an engagement”. If we examine the verb “responsare” we will discover that it means “being capable of going against the mainstream”. Therefore, if I have made a promise and if I want to be true to the voice of my conscience I must also be ready to face the difficulties this may imply, I must be willing to go against the mainstream. (G. Centazzo)

These choices have obliged the company to be really “responsible”, i.e. conscientiously and constantly creative, innovative and ready to improve standards and find new, original, solutions that are always in the forefront.

We can't carry on producing today without worrying about the goods that we will accumulate in the environment tomorrow. Goods that will become rubbish at the end of their life cycle.  Today, Valcucine is the first and only company in the sector that, on its furniture and product lines with and aluminium base units, makes a commitment to its users and to the public to collect its products and guarantee their disposal at the end of their life cycle.  These are products that can be recycled and/or reconditioned to drastically reduce the consumption of other raw and the production of other waste. This Guarantee of Responsibility confirms Valcucine's commitment and responsibility: a choice that always has a happy ending. Thanks to the Guarantee of Responsibility, the future of the environment, and of us all, is guaranteed forever.

In addition to our new product lines, at next “Milano week 2012” @ and Brera Design District (#BDD2012), we will present the new LIFE-LONG RESPONSIBILITY GUARANTEE and the new MECCANICA system bearing the DEMODE trademark and engineered by Valcucine  (follow @demode_it)


From the viewpoint of mutual sharing and enrichment, a space will be made available to some handicraft and non-handicraft businesses that are close to Valcucine's philosophy and to its world of company responsibility; these  will recycle, repair and restore their products, showing the manual aspect of these operations that is not always immediately perceived.

Patagonia MilanIrideFixed ModenaCairadesign and Ecocucina will participate @ with us. They all have a DNA and are all partners of Demode engineered by Valcucine at the Fuorisalone exhibition.

The new LaCucinaAlessi by Valcucine contract project by the dutch architect Wiel Arets will also be presented.

Let's stay tooned!!

Show Room Valcucine Milano
Corso Garibaldi, 99 – MM2 Moscova
17th – 22nd  April 2012 , 10am – 11pm
Press Preview Monday16th  10am – 4pm
Official Opening  Tuesday 17th 6.30pm
Brera Design Night Friday20th