Graphic Vitrum is a special digital printing technique on glass consisting of seven designs inspired by nature, in line with our philosophy.
Cloud White, Fire Grey, Warm Black and Bronze are the background colours that customise each design and enrich the ways in which you can personalise your glass. Fifty-six variations can be obtained by combining the designs with the various colours and the two glass surfaces, gloss and matt, achieving an authentically unique and customised kitchen.
With Graphic Vitrum the kitchen walls become a vibrant narrative made up of evocative designs, details and emotions.
"I have always believed that beauty and good taste stem from the harmony of diversity and that nature has a lot to teach us on this subject. If we examine nature carefully we will find that it contains an unlimited source of inspiration and knowledge, as is revealed by the textures offered by Graphic Vitrum."
Gabriele Centazzo, Valcucine designer
ALBN Gloss | AOBN Matt
Butterfly wing Cloud White
ALGF Gloss | AOGF Matt
Butterfly wing Fire Grey
ALNC Gloss | AONC Matt
Butterfly wing Warm Black
ALBR Gloss | AOBR Matt
Butterfly wing Bronze
ELBM Gloss | EOBN Matt
Natural hexagons Cloud White
ELGF Gloss | EOGF Matt
Natural hexagons Fire Grey
ELNC Gloss | EONC Matt
Natural hexagons Warm Black
ELBR Gloss | EOBR Matt
Natural hexagons Bronze
MLBN Gloss | MOBN Matt
Dry stone wall Cloud White
MLGF Gloss | MOGF Matt
Dry stone wall Fire Grey
MLNC Gloss | MONC Matt
Dry stone wall Warm Black
MLBR Gloss | MOBR Matt
Dry stone wall Bronze
Cloud White, Fire Grey, Warm Black and Bronze are the background colours that customise each design and enrich the ways in which you can personalise your glass. Fifty-six variations can be obtained by combining the designs with the various colours and the two glass surfaces, gloss and matt, achieving an authentically unique and customised kitchen.
With Graphic Vitrum the kitchen walls become a vibrant narrative made up of evocative designs, details and emotions.
"I have always believed that beauty and good taste stem from the harmony of diversity and that nature has a lot to teach us on this subject. If we examine nature carefully we will find that it contains an unlimited source of inspiration and knowledge, as is revealed by the textures offered by Graphic Vitrum."
Gabriele Centazzo, Valcucine designer
Our proposals for your kitchen in Graphic Vitrum
Available for
Artematica Soft Outline
Genius Loci
Genius Loci
Forma Mentis
Artematica Soft Outline
Genius Loci
Genius Loci
Forma Mentis

Butterfly wing Cloud White

Butterfly wing Fire Grey

Butterfly wing Warm Black

Butterfly wing Bronze

Natural hexagons Cloud White

Natural hexagons Fire Grey

Natural hexagons Warm Black

Natural hexagons Bronze

Dry stone wall Cloud White

Dry stone wall Fire Grey

Dry stone wall Warm Black

Dry stone wall Bronze