ISO 14001
The ISO 14001 certification guarantees that the company respects environmental laws regarding toxic emissions, noise levels and the disposal of industrial water. It also ensures that the firm has a controlled and registered waste disposal system, that it makes an effort to reduce energy consumptions and implements projects to this aim. It must also be involved in environmental projects.

ISO 45001
In 2011 Valcucine obtained the OHSAS (Occupational Health and Safety Assessment Series) certification, an international standard for
occupational health and safety management systems. It subsequently obtained the new ISO 45001 certification which replaced the former one.

occupational health and safety management systems. It subsequently obtained the new ISO 45001 certification which replaced the former one.

FSC® certification
FSC® certification guarantees that products come from responsibly managed forests, ensuring environmental, social and economical benefits. During its 20 years of activity, FSC® has earned itself the reputation of being a trustworthy and exacting forest certification system. That’s why purchasing FSC® certified products reaps countless benefits, for businesses and for consumers alike. In 2008 Valcucine embarked on a certification process according to the FSC Standard (n. ICILA-COC-000214). Over the years we have modified and extended the field of application of the FSC® Standard which now includes:
- 2 mm thick Silk-effect laminate panels
- 20.5 mm thick Angel Skin panels
- 16 mm thick melamine panels used as a backing
- 19 mm - 16 mm thick melamine-faced chipboard panels
- Solid beech dowels to fasten carcasses
- H23 melamine paper edgings for carcass panels
- Eucalyptus fibreboard back panels
Valcucine can therefore offer the following FSC® certified kitchen cabinets:
- Artematica/Artematica 2021 Vitrum with a chipboard or Invitrum carcass
- Riciclantica 2022 Silk-effect laminate finish with chipboard carcass
- Forma mentis Angel Skin with chipboard carcass
- Logica Celata with chipboard base units
By choosing FSC® certified kitchen cabinets you are supporting the responsible management of forests all over the world.
Discover more.

- 2 mm thick Silk-effect laminate panels
- 20.5 mm thick Angel Skin panels
- 16 mm thick melamine panels used as a backing
- 19 mm - 16 mm thick melamine-faced chipboard panels
- Solid beech dowels to fasten carcasses
- H23 melamine paper edgings for carcass panels
- Eucalyptus fibreboard back panels
Valcucine can therefore offer the following FSC® certified kitchen cabinets:
- Artematica/Artematica 2021 Vitrum with a chipboard or Invitrum carcass
- Riciclantica 2022 Silk-effect laminate finish with chipboard carcass
- Forma mentis Angel Skin with chipboard carcass
- Logica Celata with chipboard base units
By choosing FSC® certified kitchen cabinets you are supporting the responsible management of forests all over the world.
Discover more.

F4 star
The F4 star standard: formaldehyde Emissions. The chipboard used for the Valcucine kitchen carcasses closely adheres to the limit values set by the strictest regulations in the world regarding the formaldehyde emissions of furniture: the Japanese F4 star standard.

LEED V4.1 rating
LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) is the third-party assessment system for green buildings used in more than 160 countries all over the world. It provides a reference framework for healthy, efficient, low-cost, green buildings that consume minimal amounts of carbon. The LEED rating process is fundamental to translate intrinsic sustainability features into a measurable, measured and shared language used in more than 160 countries all over the world.
The result of this activity, in collaboration with Greenmap, the programme for industries by Habitech - the leading Italian hub for sustainable real estate, renewable energies and innovation, acknowledged by the Italian Ministry of University and Research - is the matrix that contributes to obtaining a LEED certification. The matrix highlights the products and components manufactured by Valcucine that satisfy the performance criteria required to achieve LEED certification; it can therefore be said that product “A” contributes to satisfying LEED credit “X”.
As far as kitchens are concerned, Valcucine is the company that contributes to earning the greatest number of credits to achieve LEED certification (up to 12 credits in 5 different credit categories: Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Innovation), once again confirming the company’s leadership in terms of sustainability and innovation.

The extension of FSC certification, such as LEED mapping, ISO 14001 certification and participation in the Bioforest association, are part of a series of concrete actions in compliance with the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the ESG policies that respond to the validity of a company, an enterprise or an association as regards its commitment in the environmental (Criterion E Environmental), Criterion S (social) and Criterion G (governance).
The result of this activity, in collaboration with Greenmap, the programme for industries by Habitech - the leading Italian hub for sustainable real estate, renewable energies and innovation, acknowledged by the Italian Ministry of University and Research - is the matrix that contributes to obtaining a LEED certification. The matrix highlights the products and components manufactured by Valcucine that satisfy the performance criteria required to achieve LEED certification; it can therefore be said that product “A” contributes to satisfying LEED credit “X”.
As far as kitchens are concerned, Valcucine is the company that contributes to earning the greatest number of credits to achieve LEED certification (up to 12 credits in 5 different credit categories: Water Efficiency, Energy and Atmosphere, Materials and Resources, Indoor Environmental Quality, Innovation), once again confirming the company’s leadership in terms of sustainability and innovation.

The extension of FSC certification, such as LEED mapping, ISO 14001 certification and participation in the Bioforest association, are part of a series of concrete actions in compliance with the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations 2030 Agenda and the ESG policies that respond to the validity of a company, an enterprise or an association as regards its commitment in the environmental (Criterion E Environmental), Criterion S (social) and Criterion G (governance).